Top Telework Tips

As many Americans continue working from home, the concept of a workday becomes more fluid. We’re swapping slacks for sweats, and meetings for mid-afternoon munchies. Without our typical structure, it can be difficult to maintain productivity.

Here’s a few tips to keep a productive state of mind:

  1. Keep up your commute. While you may not be driving, moving your working area into a specific area of the house may help you maintain concentration. Avoid working cozied up in bed… maybe try the couch.

  2. Stick to your typical break format. If you usually take a lunch, be sure to enjoy your lunchtime at home. If you take a morning walk, grab the pooch for a stroll.

  3. Start the day with a fresh pair of PJs. No need to rock real clothes… you’re working from home! By staying in your overnight PJs, you may find it difficult to get started for the day.

  4. Set healthy boundaries with family. While everyday may feel like a Saturday, our Wednesdays still require a working effort. Let family know they can behave as though you’re at the office.

  5. Avoid housework. Loading the dishwasher can turn into wiping down the kitchen, feeding the dog, walking the dog, loading laundry into dryer, and putting an order together on your grocery delivery service. While it’s tempting, housework can be a slippery slope.

  6. Reach out to coworkers with questions via phone. Increase your sense of connectedness by giving them a call… emails can feel cold and distant! By getting connected, you’re more likely to stay on task.